Sunday, May 29, 2011

New 05/29 List and NEW mailing address -

Hi all!  Your mail has just become too much for the small PO Box so we are going to use the physical address instead. 

Please send your coupons and letters (love, love the letters!) to:
c/o Hollie
51 Oak Grove Lane
Adairsville, GA 30103

This week, we are looking for these coupons:

Reach Floss, 04/17 Smartsource - Free
Carefree Pantiliners, 05/08 Smartsource - Free
Sensodyne Travel Size, 05/15 - Free
Ivory Bar 3 Count, 05/01 - Free
Pert Plus travel size, 05/15 Smartsource - Free
Super Poligrip, 03/27 RedPlum - Free
Wilkinson Disposable Razor, Printable at, Free
Also, Similac is not free but only 50 cents so if you do not have a little one, send them here and with the Similac check voucher they send out they can get 10 bottles for free! 

Yall are so awesome!  Longevity is what I wanted to help with - to keep giving when the inital response had died down.  So far, you guys have helped Bartow County, Georgia; Floyd County, Georgia; Flat Rock, Alabama; and Joplin's package will go out Tuesday morning.  Next set will be going up to Ringgold, Georgia, as they begin the rebuilding process.  As hot as it is getting out there, I figure lots of showers will be in their future.  If we can take away that cost from shampoo/conditioner, soap, razors, deoderant, toothbrush, toothpaste, it would be great! 

1 comment:

  1. I recently stumbled across your site and am excited to help. I spend a lot of time watching coupons and cutting coupons for myself and others in my life. I look forward to being able to send coupons your way for this great project.
